vail wedding photojournalists
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vail wedding photojournalists
| for Matt and Roberta
If anyone were to make a snap judgment based on photos alone, they would accuse us hiring good-looking people who are professional dancers to stage a wedding for a photo shoot. However, the truth is that Matt and Roberta and just that handsome and hang out with people who are just that talented. It may have been Vail's remarkably high elevation taking over the international mix of party goers (mostly Brazilian), or it may just have been that Matt and Roberta have been practicing choosing good people even before they chose each other for a beautiful mountain wedding.
The setting was near a creek and a swimming pool, in the yard of the Lion Square Lodge. With some brief spells of rain for good luck, and some moving dark cumulus props giving us good shooting light, it was a good day to immortalize. Whether zoomed in or out, there were aesthetics all over - God's landscaping and human emotion.
Our MVP of the night (not including bride and groom), was of course Roberta's grandfather, who had flown in with his wife of many years all the way from Brazil, knowing very little English. However neither age nor language was a barrier from this awesome guy getting his hands on some of our photo booth props and donning them in the middle of the dance circle to modern day hip hop. These are the kinds of kinds of grandparents we are thrilled to see at a wedding, and the kinds we hope to be when we're their age.
These and more, including a Belgian in a green spandex suit, were dancing like no one was instagramming, in support of two good friends in their commitment of lifelong love and partnership. Good photos of good people. We were so thankful to be a part of their big day, and we know now that the bar has really been set for our next Brazilian wedding.
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