Hotel Boulderado Wedding

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Hotel Boulderado Wedding

If you look in Colorado's history books, they'll be filled with accounts of goldminers, ranchers, and the story of the Bouldorado hotel. One of Colorado's oldest hotels, in 1907 the Bouldorado's proprietor said, "I want to build an aesthetic establishment that will stand the test of time and years from now will still be one of the best Colorado wedding venues around." It must have been this quote that inspired Brian and Charlie to throw their classy and intimate celebration at this hotel.

With groomsmen who looked like Reservoir Dogs and bridesmaids who looked like.... Reservoir babes, the bride and groom, who have been dating since the 7th grade, put together a wonderful ceremony and party thereafter that included some unforgettable events like Charlie having a laughing attack upon hearing Brian's vows, a photo shoot with a colorful brick wall, one of our favorite wedding dresses we've seen this year, and a DJ whose music list was as perfect as his haircut was radical.

Often times the rule goes, "the bigger the wedding party, the harder the creativity" but Brian and Charlie are fun people who spend time with fun people and it was our pleasure to hang out with them and see continuously how their party was the exception to the rule. We're thankful we got to take part in a historical event and add another point of interest in the chronology of such a historical setting. These natural, photojournalistic wedding photos feature such personality and emotion. Enjoy.

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hotel boulderadobroach bouquet [/flo_one_half_last]


wedding journalism


getting ready journalism

trendy groomsman image

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bridal portrait

getting ready photographs

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groomsman being reflected for great wedding image

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