fun wedding photographs
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Fun wedding photographs
Alex and Leah exchanged vows last weekend in Seward Nebraska. It was a one of a kind wedding for me. I had another wedding booked the next day in Colorado, which resulted in me only photographing half of the day. Though I was initially stressed at the thought of last weekend I ended up so thankful for the way things worked out. This batch of images is maybe some of my favorites from the season. There is such genuine joy and personality in every moment. You can feel the love. Many many blessings Alex and Leah.
The Photobooth Awards go to... our photobooth favorite: Leah's mom funniest yet not so funny photo: the pregnant lady holding a beer milo queen award: Peggy Koopman excessive users: Danae, Ashley & the guy with the stick pony best smile: the stick pony looks like a superhero couple: Dave & Rebecca Anderson best impersonation of a one man mariachi band: Jessica Topil creative use of chalkboard award: Ashley & Abbie best use of pom pom as hair: Marcus Nathan best sneak in the photo award: Ben Ahlman creepiest faces, nicest guy: Joel Endorf best dance moves: Andy Banahan photographers favorite: the picture of the man that walked in front of Whitney in the middle of the photo booth and didn't notice. [/flo_one_third] [flo_two_third_last padding="20px 20px 20px 20px" class="" ]