engagement photos denver

Engagement Photos Denver

Here’s to hoping that Bruce and Ellen have plenty of room on their walls for some new art work.

The honor was mine in following Bruce and Ellen around Denver for a day in the life, documented-date engagement session.  We started at Little man, walked through their neighborhood in the Highlands, shot on the balcony of their office building and finished at Z-Cuisine, the couples (and my new) favorite restaurant. There are many paths you can take when deciding where to have your engagement session in Denver, however, I’m always quick to encourage making the engagement sessions focus centered around their story and this is a pristine example.

Even after photographing hundreds of couples, I find that each session is special and this one for many reasons was no exception. There are many people who have helped me along the way as an artist-business owner but none who have been quite as impacting as this bride to be. She’s an entrepreneur with a heart for creatives and along my journey when I’ve needed support most, she’s been one to advise Selah to greater places. These images will always hold a dear place in my heart.  Interested in doing your own unique engagement session in Denver? If you're looking to do engagement photos Denver has many options to choose from. Looking for a personal, meaningful and one of a kind session? Consider it a documented date and start with the following questions when deciding where to go:

  • What activities do you both enjoy?
  • Are there any spots that you frequent?
  • Are there any places that tell your story well? What about the spot you first met? The place you fell in love?

Maybe it's making breakfast together or sitting on your patio after work. Sometimes the simplest of things are most meaningful.