cats are awesome

Why? Why? Why? Why? I'm not really in to pet photography but I do have a ticklish spot for the personality of a curious cat. Especially these ones.

Why? The normal sized "kitten" in this posting reminds me of the late Shouger (1990-2005) who died of old age and back problems due to his straining life as a gymnast.

Why? OK, so I think cats are funny...and I am always trying to find new ways to challenge myself as a photographer along with discovering unique and difficult lighting situations. This photo shoot indeed provided as a new challenge for me as a photographer...especially because my eyes were foggy due to the excessive laughter I had to hold in (the skinny one knows when people are making fun of her).

Cats are awesome.

funny cat pictures photo of cat with reindeer ears on large cat in picture cat in swaddling blanket cat jumping cat jumping nice cat head shot cats together and curious cat liking his face cat hanging out